Полезная информация


Полезная информация


еще по теме

Ниже приведены образцы писем в языковые школы.

На английском языке

(Your Name & Address)


Dear Sir/ Madam,

I have seen your entry in, _________________________________, and would be grateful if you could send me further information about your English courses.

My details:

I would like to start my course on:__________(date) and stay until _____________(date).

I have studied English for ______________ years.

Age: _________ Nationality ____________________

Yours faithfully,

(Your Name)

- It is a good idea to include your postal address, so that schools can send you their brochure. - -

На немецком языке

(Your Name & Address)


Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

ich habe Ihren Eintrag im _________________________________ gesehen und würde mich freuen, wenn Sie mir umfangreichere Informationen über Ihre Deutschkurse zusenden könnten.

Ich möchte meinen Kurs am.........starten und ca...... Wochen bleiben. (Write when you would like to start and end your course.)

Ich habe .....Jahre deutsch gelernt. (Write the number of years you have studied German)

Mein Alter:...(Put your age)

Meine Staatsangehörigkeit:.....(Your nationality)

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Your Name

- It is a good idea to include your postal address, so that schools can send you their brochure. - -

На испанском языке

(Your Name & Address)


Estimado Señor,

He visto el nombre de su colegio en _________________________________ y quisiera recibir más detalles sobre sus cursos de español para extranjeros.

Me gustarìa empezar mi curso el _______(put date you would like course to start) y estudiar durante________ semanas. (write number of weeks you would like to study).

Dándole gracias anticipadas, atentamente le saluda.

(Your Name)

- It is a good idea to include your postal address, so that schools can send you their brochure. - -

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